The deceit of anti christ

Wednesday, 16 October 2013


Rev 13:16-18 ''And he causes all both and small great,rich and poor,free and bond,toreceive a mark in their right hand,or in their foreheads and he thet no man might buy or sell,save he that had the mark,or the name.Here is wisdom.let him that has understanding count the number of the beast,for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six''.  Many shall be decieve by the antichrist which fill the earth now,well you may ask,are they present now? 1 Jh 4:3 ''..and this is that spirit of antichrist,whereof you have heard that it should come;and even now alreeady is it in the world''. 
     The mark of 666 is a great mystery in this our present world and you have to be spirit filled in other to decern the antichrist who ushers the mark because  they lure many people to receive the mark,i was once almost a victim of that,someone gave me a job vacancy hand bill,i apply for it but to my surprise i found out that what they printed on the handbill about their company was totally not true,i asked them  what did they transact in this company,they said they sell drugs in which i will use it and share it to people and that i should bring i should bring more people so has to increase my pay,the display a sign like inverted six which will become more spiral as my pay increase,thay display their successors to me and their worldly good: outstanding exclusive cars.but i thank God i don't attend their meeting to register my name,up till now is still a mystery to me which i dont understand fully. 
  Some receive it through satanic prophet Ths 1:3 ''who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called god,or that is worshiped,so that he as god sits in the temple of God,showing himself that he is God''.I have watch a woman calling herself God,she said she was the one who made heaven and earth,she  have a church and did gave her member the mark through what she 'term spiritual operation'. 
                              THE JUGDEMENT
    Rev 14:11 '' And the smoke of their torment ascends up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day and nor night,who worship the beast and his image and whosoever receive the mark of his name''  Dear reader,don't be deceived,say no to every spirit that confess not JESUS as their Lord 1 Jn 4:3 and be filled with the spirit of the Lord,if you have any inscription on your body ask JESUS for forgiveness and cleanse yourself by the blood of JESUS,beware of the mark.   
 read more inspirational messages here

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