The deceit of anti christ

Monday, 21 October 2013


   Authority Christ got over demonic power is available to believers if they are ready to tap into it, because Satan was already fallen and defeated at the cross, we've got total victory over him and his cohorts.

 Jesus said ''...I beheld satan as ligtning fall from heaven.Behold I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you '' Luk 10:18-19. But you can say '' why can't I cast out demon''. Sometime ago,i was afflicted in dream by demons,I was very sad and I ask God why such thing could have happen to me, he said ''You have stop loving me''.

  Sometime ago. I was often visited by demons in dream, those dreams are so dreadful and shameful to share, i went to God in prayer, then i got a voice in my heart, " you have stop loving me".I examine myself I know what He is talking about, I have stop fasting, my prayer time was very low and short ,and stopped worshipping God unlike before.

   Now, what are the Hindrances to receiving God's Authority.

1.Unregister Name:- It is sadden and dreadful as many today called themselves christian but heaven don't recognise them,if you are ready to be used by LORD JESUS,then you have to know HIM.Look at this Luk 10:20 Notwithstanding in this rejoice not,that the spirit are subject to you; but rather rejoice,because your name are written in heaven. Now take this as your watchword,if I should posses GOD's Authority, My name have to be written in the Lamp book of life.If your name is not in the book of life, it is dreadful  to exercise authority on demons, remember the sons of Sceva.

  2. Prayerlessness:-Before  the apostles could launched into their miraculuos ministery they waited in Jerusalem many days,then the power decend on them, Act 2:1-4 ,Brother Paul pray non stopping with fasting for 3 days, Acts 9:9 '' And he was three days without sight,and neither did eat nor drink''

 3.  If we can pray and wait on God surely,He will give us His authority.

 4.  Lack of Knowledge:- Bible say, ''My people perish,because thy lack knoeledge", if we are type that doesn't read the word of GOD then will won't know that He has power and all authority and that is available to us.when i was a young believer,i fear witches ,but through the word of God and Christians novel i got to know thay they are powerless and that satan their master has been defeited.

  5. Lack of Faith: if you go to God for Authority then you must know that Heb 11:6 ''..for he that come to GOD must believe that He is, and He is the rewarder of them that deligently seek Him''.

   In short,no faith,no anthority. Mt 17:18-20 '' ....Then came the disciple of Jesus apart, and said,why could not we cast him out? And Jesus said to them because of your unbelief: for verily I say to you,if you have faith as a gram of mustard seed,you will say to this moutain,remove here to yonder place;and it shall remove;and nothing shall be impossible to you....''

  6. Unrighteousness:- Many have God's authority before,they were sometime deliverance ministers,whenever they say,Father in Jesus Name,demons began to confess and fled, that's before,but now they are as powerless as a dead lion due to unrighteousness.we cannot continue in sin and say that grace should continue,GOD forbid.  If you want God's Authority be therefore righteous.

  7. Unconstant fellowship with Christ: if you can fellowship in fasting,worshipping,praising and in praying,then you will have God's authority,Jesus said to his disciple when they are unable to cast out demon Mt 17:21 '' However,this kind goes not out but by prayer and fasting''.   If you do not know Christ,you can not have His authority at all,confess Him as your LORD and ask Him for His authority,its your right in Christ.

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