We learn at Christ feet,sharing Holy Spirit revelation, mysteries happening in the world and testimonies,preachers message,bible questions and much more...
The deceit of anti christ
Jh 10:10 ''The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy,my purpose is to give them a rich and a satisfying life'...
A man made a profit of Twenty Six Million Naira (#26,000,000) in July and as at December he was left with only six thousand Naira (#60...
My Father empower me to succeed In 2 Chr 26:15-And he made in Jerusalem engine invented by cunning men,to be on the tower and upon the bu...
Rev 13:16-18 ''And he causes all both and small great,rich and poor,free and bond,toreceive a mark in their right hand,or in their...
Ps 11:2- For, lo, the wicked bend their bow,they make ready their arrows upon the string,that they may privily shoot at the upright in...
Temporary suffering for righteousness will drive one into an unspeakable Joy and God's blessing,there many patriarch of faith in the...
GENERAL QUESTION Is the use of attachment,fixing of nails,painting of face,tattooing,women trousers acceptable by ...
The secret and key to a greatness is the level of humility, the lesser you go, the greater you become, you can mention many successful ...
LIVING IN GOD'S FULNESS God want all His children to walk and live in His fulness, well, you may ask what does it mean to live in God...
Wednesday, 18 December 2013
Monday, 16 December 2013
The secret and key to a greatness is the level of humility, the lesser you go, the greater you become, you can mention many successful men of God, the secret of their success is that they are humble, Pastor Abraham who Lord gave the grace to visit heaven said '' Jesus show me some special ropes, I asked who are those that will have this kind of ropes, He said those that are humble, He said His Father will bring down His head in other to honour them, because they are humble, He said somebody like Pastor Adeboye(RCCG) and some men of God'' Now I think you are getting the important of being humble in the sight of God.
1. Humility make you great - Jesus himself testify to this ''...but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister. And whosoever will be great among you, let him be your servant''. So if you want more of God power you have to go low.
2. It's a key to Divine Upliftment- Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord and He shall lift you up'' James 4:10.3. It's strong spiritual weapon- Jam 4:7 '' Summit yourself therefore to God. Resist the devil and He shall flee from you''.
Don't go into war without being humble before God because ''God resist the proud, but give more grace to the humble'' Jm 4:6. If you are humble, as soon as you say father in Jesus name, you see demon crying and fleeing, bible say Ps 18:44 '' As soon as they hear of me, they shall obey me: the strangers shall submit themselves to me. The strangers shall fade away, and be afraid out of their closes places'', now will you be humble?.
4. The greatest in heaven are the humble- Mt 18:4 '' whosoever shall humble himself as this little child, the same is the greatest in the Kingdom of God''
5. It's a command- Ph 2:3 ''Let nothing be done through strife or vain glory, but in lowliness of mind, let each esteem other better than themselves''.
6.Possesing Humility is Possesing the mind of Christ: Ph 2:5-8 '' Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. Who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God. But made Himself of no reputation and took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself, and became obedient to dealth, even the death of the cross''. Therefore, i beseech you beloveth, that you should be humble and posses the mind of Christ.
7. Humility brings more revelation- when I was on campus, there in my fellowship, whenever we are worshipping, someone alway speak to my mind, kneel down, kneel down, sometime i found it embarrasing and feel relunctant to do so, but as times go on, I began to yield and obey, what do I noticed?. I noticed that whenever I kneel down worshipping God, closing my eye, I would begin to receive flow of revelations, that is vision, the Lord would shew me secret thing which I know not, so if we go humble, we will know the mind of God.
The first sin to be committed is pride, as if It is the mother of all sin,Pride brought down Satan, pride destroy his glory, beuty and honour, what makes a leader a follower is the pride.let's learn from the life of Lucifer, the former arch angel.
1. Is 14:12 '' How are you fallen from heaven, O lucifer, son of the morning! How are you cut down to the ground, which did weaken the nations! For you said I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High. Yet you shall be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit ''.
Satan inherit hell from the post of angelic leader because of Pride, you will not inherit hell because of pride in Jesus Name.
2. The King Nebuchadnezzar- Dan 4:30 '' The king spoke, and said, is not this great Babylon, that I have built for the house of the kingdom by the might of my power, and for the honour of my majesty?. You can see how this man lifted up himself without regarding God, take a look at his Judgement. Dan 4:31-32 ''.. The kingdom is departed from you. And they shall drive you from men, and your dwelling shall be with you to eat grass as oxen, and seven times shall pass over you, until you know that Most High rules in the kingdom of men, and gives it to who,soever He will''.
3. The pride must receive God's punishment- Prov 16:5 ''Everyone that is proud in Heart is an abomination to the LORD: though hand join in hand, he shall not be unpunished''.
4. Hinder prayer- recall the story of the pharisee and the publican who both prayed in the temple, the publican prayer was answer because he was humble.
5. Pride bring destruction: Prv 16:18 'pride goes before destruction and an haughty spirit before a fall. See also Prv 18:12. God love you,just be humble, he will show you great and mighty thing,have you for onced go humble confessing your sins to Christ,if not do so now,for more messages http://believers061.blogspot.com
Sunday, 15 December 2013
2 Kg 5:11 '' But Na'a-man was angry, and went away and said, Behold, I thought, I thought he will surely come out to me, and stand, and call on the name of his God, and strike his hand over the place and recover the leper''.
Do you know that presumption lies in pride, thinking and imagining the way God must do something,don't miss it up with Faith, Faith is 'I know God is going to do it, how or the way He's gonna do it I don't know, all I know is that He will do it. Naaman could have been in leprosy till he die if his servant have not caution him from the spirit of presumption, some people were not heal, many have not gotten their miracle because the way they think and act towards God's way, He said ''For My thought are not your thoughts, Nor your ways my ways, says the LORD, for as heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your way, And my thoughts than your thoughts.'', so stop thinking I will do these, I will do that and it will happen that way without including if God wish/by God's grace.
Whenever a man stop concepting thing but put his total trust in God,he will see God in action, God want us to be summit, I notice that whenever am to lead a prayer session and I formulate the prayer point am going to offer, God don't move.
Many believers go into battle but come back as a victim instead of being a victor. That's why bible say '' summit yourself therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you'' Jam 4:7 .If you summit yourself you will overcome, but if you are thinking 'I will shout, I will jump, I will lay my hand on him and it must be like this or that then you are taking the position of God for yourself through your conception. Jesus when teaching how to pray,He said 'Your will be done in earth, as it is in heaven', Mat 6:10(KJV), He did not say this is my will,it must happen exactly that way (pride not prayer). Oral Robert said ''Any time I prepare to pray for the sick, I hang my pride on the cross because I know only few will be heal'',despite scoffers, doubters, Newspaper critics, he did God's will and thousands were healed.
Therefore I charge you to be fervent in prayer towards His will and stop having your own way,if you do, you will receive your miracle and He'll make you a vessel unto honour. Someone may say, how will I know God's will? Are you Christ own, if you are not walk up to him at Calvary confessing your sin and he will accept, if you are then pray to him and he will show you His will. Read and share more wonderful messages here believers061.blogspot.com
for life breaking testimonies click here testimony001.blogspot.com
Saturday, 14 December 2013
These questions are for you to freely express your mind as Holy Spirit lead you, your comment mean a lot, it can win a soul and you'll have a star in His kingdom.
1. 'Am not a Nurse nor a doctor,is it right for me to work on Sunday ?.
2. I am a Security lady officer,should I wear trousers ?.
3. If I am a caterer and I was to produce a birthday cake on a contract,I bid the amount to finish it,Is it right to eat the left over after producing the original one without notifying the owner ?.
4. If you are the President of a Nation or a King, yet you are really born again, How possible you won't have any dealing with other gods or religion ?, will you say farewell to them and declare a public holiday when they are holding their festival ?.
5. Should a gateman ask for money to pass a visitor though he is not really strict about it ?, Is it right to ask for money at all ?
6. Some marketers told their prospects (customer) that they came from Ibadan whereas they were from Abeokuta inother to move (sell) their products, as a faithful christian, should it be so?.
7. As a Policeman, will I remain Faithful to Christ if I tell a lie to a suspect when investigating a matter inother to find out the truth?, like saying I witness his action whereas am not there.
8. As student, Is copying one another in practical work right?, if no, does it have exception? For more wonderful messages, Believers061.blogspot.com
''The Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings''.
Our heart belongs to the Lord, he created it, so every activities going on in our heart He knows about them all, non is hidden unto him, therefore we shall all be Judge in whatsoever thought we allow to control us because 'as a man thinks in his heart so he is'.
THOUGHT- is an idea/opinion produced by thinking or occuring suddenly in the mind.Thousands of thoughts flood our heart every day, both good and evil, some we derive them through thinking and some come suddenly by themselves, be it from Holy Spirit or from the devil. It is not a sin when evil idea flash in our heart but it is evil if we like,allow and yield to those opinion. Demons cannot read your mind nor do they know your thought, they only try to throw an evil idea into your heart waiting for your response,you give them victory if you respond positively, it is a sin if you are planning to establish evil idea and this is called intention.
INTENTION: An aim/plan, conceptions formed by directing the mind towards an object. If someone got an idea in his heart and he appreciate it and begin to direct his mind, thinking how to archieve the idea, at this stage the person is becoming evil in his thought, at this stage the person begin to strategies, find information, picturing and imagining how he will perform the operation. Brethren,check your thought,is it holy or evil before you start ruminating and strategizing on it,is your plan presently pleasing unto God.Sometimes if you ask a criminal why did you did that, he'll say because I need money, because I want to get the position, because I am hungry, because I need a car etc. these are call motive.
MOTIVE- is the reason for doing doing something.A person motive of serving God may be because he want to see God, make heaven and avoid hell, some people are lured into witch craft not because they like it but because they want to protect thier children, want money or because they want power, they are bound and driven by their motive. Judas didn't like to betray Jesus but he was driven by the Love for money. Si'mon the socerer motive was honour and appraisal from his fellow samaritan Acts 8:18-22 ''And when Si'mon saw that through laying on of the apostles' hands the Ho'ly Ghost was gievn, he offered them money. Saying, Give me also power that on whomsoever I lay my hands, he may recieve the Ho'ly Ghost. But Pe'ter said to him, Your money perish you because you have THOUGHT that the gift of God may be purchased with money. You have neither part nor lot in this matter: for your heart is not right in the sight of God'', now do you understand thought, intention and motive is ?, fine that's good. God alway know our thought Gen 6:5 '' And God saw that the wickedness of ma was great in the earth, and that every imagination of his heart was only evil continually'' Ps 7:9 ''...For righteous God tests the hearts and minds''. Those that are righteous understand this verse Deut 15:9 '' beware lest there be a wicked thougt in your heart'' the Psalmist siad Ps 19:14 '' let the word of my mouth and the meditation of my hearth be acceptable in your sight, o lord my strength and redeemer''. Evil thougths come from within the heart Mk 7:21 ''for from inside, out of the heart of men proceed evil thoughts, alduteries, fornications, murders....'' therefore you have to check your heath always, guaging it with the word of God. Many pastor, great men of God, Ministers and Evangelists are trooping into hell due to little little foxes in their heart, some don't really commit aldultery but they do it in their heart.
CHECK POINT: Ask yourself, ' Is my Thoughts pure'?
Somebody like Haman Est 6:6, the foolish man Lk 12:17 allow evil thoughts which request their lives.
1. Using the Sword of the Spirit: Heb 4:12 ''For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of thoughts and intents of the heart''.
2. Casting out imagination out of your heart 2 Cor 10:5 ''Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself agaianst the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity evry thought to obedience of Christ; ''
3. Revenge through the power of prayer: 2 Cor 10:6 ''And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled''.
1. Oh Lord that searcheth the heart, wash my evil thoughts away by your precious blood in Jesus Name.
2. I cast down every altar of evil intention and motive by the fire of Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus
.3. As from today, Satan!, succeed no more in my heart in the name of Jesus. Continue as Holy Spirit lead you. Visit believers061.blogspot.com
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Ps 11:2- For, lo, the wicked bend their bow,they make ready their arrows upon the string,that they may privily shoot at the upright in heart.
There are many hordes of hell already present in the world determine strongly to fight this end time battle, we believers have to be awake. Whenever a Police must shoot but want to spare the life of say, a thief,he'll not target the delicate part of the body like the stomach,the head or most especially the heart.Satan, Demons and the wicked understand this strategy and always make the heart their target to finish up a person. Lets take a look at this; how demon operate shooting his arrow into the heart of this man.
Demon: This lady is looking good today.
Man:she is very beautiful.
Demon: I can have her (he use 'I' ,so the man think it is his own thought).
Man: I will talk to her and she will give in.
Demon:she is looking sexy,It will be very enjoying and will be a nice time if I lie with her.
Man:Yea,that's true,I must get,I must,I mean I have to.(the man continue to walk towards his thought initiated by demon until he achieve it).
That's how many destinies are destroy by enemy,someone may be think in his heart that he is fed up with life issue and the enemy shoot privily into his heart,''the best option for me now is to leave this world for a better one,at least,I will have a rest from this life challenges'',the heart owner is fed up life,the enemy shoot the arrow and he begin to ruminate on this thought until he hang himself. We have many testimonies of many folks who involved in some wicked acts,follies and uncultured behavior,sometimes we think how could this person do this,its because it originate from the heart,Mt 7:20-23 ''That which comes out of man,that defiles the man,for from inside, out of the heart of men,proceed evil thoughts,adulteries, fornication, murders, theft, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All this comes from inside and defile the man''.
We can see now that so many times we are defile through many thoughts of our heart called the arrows of the wicked.
1.The Blood of Jesus: We Know that the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin.You being a born again, devil may privily shoot this at your heart '' you are not righteous, you will end up in hell'', inother to avoid going about with sadness and heavy guilty conciense, answer him this way,yes am not righteuos but the blood of Jesus cleanses me from all sin,moreover,it has bieng written that '' For their righteousness is mine'',am not righteous but Jesus is,back off satan in Jesus Name.
2. Putting on the whole armor of God. Eph 6:11-13 Put on the whole armour of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,against ruler of darkness of this world,against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take you the whole armour of God,that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
3. The shield of Faith: Eph 6:16 '' Above all,taking the shield of faith,wherewith you may be able to quench all fiery darts of the wicked.
4. Fighting back: 2 Cor 10:4 '' For the weapon of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. Casting down imagination and every high thing that exalt itself against the knowlegde of God,and bringing into captivity every thouht to the obedience of Christ''. Therefore my beloved brethren never allow yourself to suffer from the enemy attack but fight back through prayer and the word of God which is your Sword.
to read and share more inspiration messages click herebelievers061.blogspot.com
Friday, 6 December 2013
Ps 35:2 '' Take hold of shield and buckler and stand for my HELP''
It's about time we cried to our lord, the Chief of Army of heaven, to arise for our sake, are you passing through hard of live or are you oppress by the enemy ?, Is the enemy trying to play the fool ?, then you gonna shout '' Arise oh God, and let your enemy be scatter'', because as a child of your, you oughtn't to take rubbish from Satan, a victorious live suppose to be your possession, for God is your helper.Moreover,God is delight in hearing and saving the helpless, whenever you cry to Him, He hears you, Ps 34:15 '' the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry'', whenever you call on Him, be assured that he hear, Ps 34:17 ''The Lord hears His people when they call to Him for Help, He rescue them from all their troubles''. Therefore, stand now on your feet calling the Host of heaven for help, to fight the battle for you for it's written ''The Lord will fight the battle for you,and you shall hold your peace'', Ex 14:14(NLT)
1. He is ready to help you to succeed, Neh 2:20 '..The God of heaven will help us succeed'(NLT). 2Chr 26: 15
2. He is ready to help and deliver you from the enemy Judges 3:15 (NLT)
3. He is ready to help and rescue you from sinking into the trouble of Life Mt 14:30-31. click testimony001.blogspot.com to read live breaking testimonies
4. He is faithful to uplift you above your imagination for '' No eyes have seen, no hear have heard, neither has it come into the heart of man what God has in store for them that love Him''.
5. He is ready to give you peace in all directions of your Live ''if the way of a man pleases the LORD, he will make is enemy to be at peace with Him''. Now, be sure you are his child, be charged, call on him, and He will Help you with His mighty hand and His strong arm.click testimony001.blogspot.com to read live breaking testimonies
for more inspirational message believers061.blogspot.com
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
Jh 10:10 ''The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy,my purpose is to give them a rich and a satisfying life''.
Satan have no right to claim on those that are in Christ since they are bought by His precious blood, the only power he has is the power of influence, whenever he see his property in us or when we allow him he tries to steal, to kill and proceed to destroy. What are spiritual thieves ?
They are evil and wicked spirits that wait and watch one when is laborsaving, sowing and struggling to get thing comfortable for oneself and come when it's time to harvest, invade and take away fruit of one labour. Like the way the isrealite are greatly troubled by the Midianites and Amalekites, Jdg 6:3-6 '' And it was so when Isreal had sown, that the Midianites came up, and the Amalekite and the children of the east, even they came up agaianst them. And they encamped against them, and they destroy the increase of the earth, till you come to Gaza, and they left no substance for Isreal, neither sheep, nor ox, nor ass. For they came up with their cattle and their tents, and they came as grasshopper for multitude; for they and their camel were without nummber: and they enterred into the land to destroy it. And Isreal was greatly impoverished because of the Midianites; and the children of Isreal cried unto the LORD''.
They come in diverse way which we will examine one by one;
A. The spiritual husband/wife: A believer having sex in dream is loosing his/her virtue to the demonic wife/husband.
B. They come through evil and filthy dream, remember bible said, when man slept, his enemy came and sow tares among the wheat. Evil dreams like somebody giving you food in the dream, somebody collecting money/your possesion from you by force and others.
C. By opening the DOORWAY;
Satan tries to claim and steal if we open the way for him through.
1.Tithelessness: ''As we look armed robbers in earth so they look a beleiver that tithe not in heaven'' said Pastor Abraham, if we tithes not, we are opening the way for the destroyer, killer and thief to invade our glorious land.
2. Past Fornication: 1 Cor 6:15-16 "What?, know you not that which is joined to an harlot is one body? For two, says He, shall be one flesh''. if a believer joined himself with her, her demons become his and her tormentor will also torment the destiny of such unless he pray seriously, purifying himself in the blood of the lamb and holding in his hand the sword of Spirit that Rom 8:1 ''There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus...'' 3. ANGER- Eph 4:26 ''Be you angry, and sin not, let not the sun go down upon your wrath.Neither give place to the devil''.
Anger begot malice and the can be so devastating because these give a strong hold to the enemy. Many people loose what they have laboured for for years because they cannot control their temper.
4. UNFORGIVENESS: A sister visited brother Ralph for prayer, she was one of the leader of church but now she was suffering from arthritis,her fingers were curled, it has been long I heard God voice she said as tear rolled down her face, as bro. Ralph was praying for her, the Lord gave him a revelation of a dried barren land, the lord told him that it represent the heart of that woman, her husband has been mistreating her so she hasn't forgiven him: bro. Ralph asked her is it true,she said yes in tears,he asked her to forgive her husband,verbalizing it,she did and as he prayed for her, immediately she received her healing,her arthritis was healed and she can straighten her finger normally. Therefore, if we hold on to unforgiveness, despite we are a christian,God's children,we are opening door for the thief to rob us of our happiness,good health,blessing,upliftment,financial uprightness among others. 5. Ancestoral worship: These type of demonic thieves are very difficult to deal with, you don't invite them but the will come whether you are born again or not claiming the covenant they made with one's fore fathers and using that to stop and steal glories and destiny, it took a serious fasting and prayer before the set me free from this evil forces, he appeared to me in dream as masquerade obstructing my way since my ancestors worshipped him and I am bearing the name as my surname, but glory to the Lord that set me free,He can if you will cry loud to Him.
1.Father, wash me in the blood of your son from every past sins.
2.Empower me oh Lord to posses my Possesion.
3.It is written ''upon mount Zion there shall be deliverance'' you demon stealing my virtue. I am no more your prey, fall and die in the name of JESUS. Continue as Holy Spirit lead you.....
read and share more inspirational messages click here believers061.blogspot.com
Sunday, 1 December 2013
A man made a profit of Twenty Six Million Naira (#26,000,000) in July and as at December he was left with only six thousand Naira (#6000).
He came to me for prayer, he met me in auditorium A ,as I started to pray,Lord said, ''Do not pray for this one,ask him to go and bring his charms'' then I told him to go and bring all his charms,the man started laughing, he laughed and laughed and laughed until he fell down from his seat,by the time He stopped laughing,he said '' Man of God, I will need a trailer to bring them all,I said o.k, go and bring the most powerful among them all,He got into his jeep and he drove to one banana Island or what do you called it.
He came back with a bottle containing cobra with water half-filled, I said, what do you do with these,he told me don't I know that cobra is the king of snake,I drink the water inside,anybody I talk to will always do my will, If I say,bring money,they will bring it, if I say bring check,they'll bring it.
If you call yourself a child of God,and you are praying a gentle prayer, if you put in for contract with this man,the scene will Just be like this;the cobra man will get the contract and you child of God will loose it, because you are not violent. Brethren this is a call for you to be violent in prayer because '':...the violent take it by Force'.
For more breaking testimonies visit Testimony001.blogspot.com more messages click herebelievers061.blogspot.com
A couple sometime come to me for prayer,they were married but without child, I pray and pray for them but nothing happen,these people still keep on coming, it comes to a time I was fed up,whenever I see them coming I would not be at rest,one day they came as usual for prayer,we are in the sitting room and as we are praying ,suddenly the woman was on the floor crawling and barking like a dog,then the Lord Opened my eyes,I saw a house surrounded by trees and under those trees was littles babies crawling in and out,the Lord told me the meaning,when her mother was barren and in search for a child walked up to the owner of the house who gave her a child from the tree, now whenever those child marry they never reprocate.
The husband was looking her wife on the floor barking but cannot help,we prayed and the Lord deliverred her,she came back to me with her child. Awsome God,won't you believe in HIM, He has much more for you and ready to deliver His people,accept Him now and it shall be well with you for He said ''every tree my Father has not planted shall be remove'', Fire on in prayer!.
more breaking testimonies click testimony001.blogspot.com
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TESTIMONY: A WOMBLESS LADY GAVE BIRTH TO TWINS by Pastor Adeboye (Redeem Christian Church of God)
One of my daughter got married but without a child for a long time,one day she came to Holy Ghost service and a prophecy came out,''the Lord said,there is somebody here...'',she grab it by saying wonderful Amen,sooner she became pregnant only for the doctor to discovered that there were two feotus inside.
Her husband, inother to prevent his wife from the stress and pain of labour ordered that the babies should be carry out by operation.
When she was about to deliver,the babies was brought out by operation save and succesfully. Congratulation,said the doctor to the husband,I have never seen this before for years I have been a surgeon,the operation was succefully but I find no womb. Our God is great and wonderful,If He can keep babies for nine mouth without womb,He can do extra ordinary thing in your life this week in Jesus name. Do you know Jesus? Is your name in the list of His children for blessing and miracle?,walk to Him now at Calvary, He will receive you.
more breaking testimonies,click testimony001.blogspot.com
more messages, click believers061.blogspot.com
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
''A gentle answer turns away wrath,but a harsh word stirs up anger'' Prov 15:1 NAS
Do you sometimes find yourself saying , ' I get so angry when they refuse to listen to my viewpoint. How can I make them listen and hear what I'm trying to say? Unless you're involved in an official dabate, arguing with someone who is unwilling to listen is useless and waste of time. State your view point with clearity and purpose, but don't become defensive and argumentative. Don't allow anyone to draw you into strife or arguing. Hold your tongue, and try to remeber these words of wisdom: 'A gentle anger turns away wrath,but a harsh word atirs up anger. The tongue of the wise makes knowledge acceptable,but the mouth of a fool spurts folly' (Prov 15:2 NAS).
What must be surely be one of most frustating conversation in history was reported in Theatre Arts Magazine. A subsriber, wishing to report on a particular upcoming event in his community, dialled directory enquiries to get the magazine's telephone number. The operator drawled, 'Sorry, but there's nobody listed by the name of Theodore Arts'. The operator responded, this time a little louder 'I told you,we have no listing for Theodore Arts in this city. Perhaps he lives in another city. 'By now the subscriber was thoroughly peeved. 'Confound it, the word is theatre: T-H-E-A-T-R-E!' The operator came back with equal certainty in her voice, 'That is not the way to spell Theodore. 'Arguing;it's a waste of time.
Jesus Christ said '' Agree with your adversary quickly,while you are in the way with him: less at any time the adversary deliever you to the Judge and the Judge deliever you to the officer, and you be cast into prison'' Mat 5:25 (KJV), therefore, it's rather you accept you are wrong rather than setting the issue on fire, if you do that it means you are wiser than the person that want to drive you into argument.
visit believersroom061.blogspot.com to learn how flesh rule believers today.
It is not easy for some people to love God because they view Him as a mystery,they accepted that He is far from us and that He is wicked. This is what some people say:
Marco,an Italian: I pray that God help me,but it seems He is far from me,it's like He can't hear my prayer,in my view,God don't know how we feel about things happening at all.
Rosa from Guatemala: I so much wish that I serve God but it seems He is far from me.I don't agree He is merciful at all.
Raymonde from Canada: When I was young,I thought that God always search for our mistake only and He watches us until we made mistake inother to purnish us.It comes to a time i begin to view God as someone that separate himself from us,it's like God is head of a gorverment that govern the people under Him.
What is your own view? Do you love God ?, sometime ago some churches dont pray to God because they think He is fearsome and unapproachable.Will Durant said: how can just a sinner pray to God that is fearful and that is far from we human being.what's your own view about God,remember bible say ''why we are yet a sinner christ die for us'', because of you He '' ...made Himself of no reputation,and took upon Him the form of a servant, and was in likeness of a men. And being found in fashion as a man,He humble Himself and become obedience until death,even the dealth of the cross'',Ph 2:7-8.
God love you in that He spare not His only son but give him unto you.If you have not Christ as your Lord,receive Him today,He loves you and He cares for you,If you are a believer I wish you continue in Him though when we are passing through trouble of life it seems God is far,and has left us,it seems He doesn't exist or cannot save us,but remember what he said Mat 28:20 ''...lo,I am with you always even to the end of the world''. Please ,leave your comment to be publish sharing your view about God presently or before (when not saved) and how to help people believe that God exist and love them,your comment can win a soul,thanks.
visit testimony001.blogspot.com for more breaking testimonies
WHY SOME PEOPLE DID NOT LOVE GOD:TESTIMONIES It is not easy for some people to love God because they view Him as a mystery,they accepted that He is far from us and that He is wicked. This is what some people say: Marco,an Italian: I pray that God help me,but it seems He is far from me,it's like He can't hear my prayer,in my view,God don't know how we feel about things happening at all. Rosa from Guatemala: I so much wish that I serve God but it seems He is far from me.I don't agree He is merciful at all. Raymonde from Canada: When I was young,I thought that God always search for our mistake only and He watches us until we made mistake inother to purnish us.It comes to a time i begin to view God as someone that separate himself from us,it's like God is head of a gorverment that govern the people under Him. What is your own view? Do you love God ?, sometime ago some churches dont pray to God because they think He is fearsome and unapproachable.Will Durant said: how can just a sinner pray to God that is fearful and that is far from we human being.what's your own view about God,remember bible say ''why we are yet a sinner christ die for us'', because of you He '' ...made Himself of no reputation,and took upon Him the form of a servant, and was in likeness of a men. And being found in fashion as a man,He humble Himself and become obedience until death,even the dealth of the cross'',Ph 2:7-8. God love you in that He spare not His only son but give him unto you.If you have not Christ as your Lord,receive Him today,He loves you and He cares for you,If you are a believer I wish you continue in Him though when we are passing through trouble of life it seems God is far,and has left us,it seems He doesn't exist or cannot save us,but remember what he said Mat 28:20 ''...lo,I am with you always even to the end of the world''. Please ,leave your comment to be publish sharing your view about God presently or before (when not saved) and how to help people believe that God exist and love them,your comment can win a soul,thanks.
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
Hiroo Onoda was an imperial Japanese army, intelligent soldier, he did not surrender in 1945, when world war 2 ended. In 1974, his former commander travelled from Japan to personally issue orders, relieving him from duty, Onoda had spent almost 30 years, holding out in philppines, after the war has ended.
It is interesting to knoe that onoda was not only soldier holding out, Shoichi Yokoi, a fellow soldier of onoda,held out almost 27 years,and, if not for Duefias and Manuel De Gracia,who discovered him and carried him out of the jungle,only God knows whelther he would ever surrender at all. Not to talk of Teruo Nakamura,who was discovered in December 1974,mouths after HIROO Onoda surrendered.He was the last Japanese holdoout to be found.Lord knows how many more were lost.
Despite the fact that theses soldiers discovered leaflets,left behind by the islanders, and dropped from the airplane, these soldiers refuse to surrender. The reasosn for this could not be farfetched, considering the order that was given to them,which states ''you are absolutely forbidden to die by your own hands. It may take 3 years; It may take 5 years;but whatever happens,we will come back for you. Until then, under no circumstances are you to give your life voluntarily'' .
Onoda and his colleagues took these words literarily; and more seriously thantheir division commander could have meant them.
But our own commander meant everything He said,in the book of Luke 12:35-45,urging us to be on ''our guard,holdout and not belike the foolish servant that compromised,because his master delayed his comming''.Jesus Christ promised that ''He will come back for us'' Jn 14:3,and will bless those that have waited for him.
If these soldier were loyal to their earthly country,there is no excuse for us to be loyal to our heavenly country,we must learn from Hiroo,shoichi and teruo that held out for almost thirty years,even without a word from their commander,they survived through the hunger,cold and loneliness.they held on to the word of their commander, why can't you do the same!.
It is interesting to knoe that onoda was not only soldier holding out, Shoichi Yokoi, a fellow soldier of onoda,held out almost 27 years,and, if not for Duefias and Manuel De Gracia,who discovered him and carried him out of the jungle,only God knows whelther he would ever surrender at all. Not to talk of Teruo Nakamura,who was discovered in December 1974,mouths after HIROO Onoda surrendered.He was the last Japanese holdoout to be found.Lord knows how many more were lost.
Despite the fact that theses soldiers discovered leaflets,left behind by the islanders, and dropped from the airplane, these soldiers refuse to surrender. The reasosn for this could not be farfetched, considering the order that was given to them,which states ''you are absolutely forbidden to die by your own hands. It may take 3 years; It may take 5 years;but whatever happens,we will come back for you. Until then, under no circumstances are you to give your life voluntarily'' .
Onoda and his colleagues took these words literarily; and more seriously thantheir division commander could have meant them.
But our own commander meant everything He said,in the book of Luke 12:35-45,urging us to be on ''our guard,holdout and not belike the foolish servant that compromised,because his master delayed his comming''.Jesus Christ promised that ''He will come back for us'' Jn 14:3,and will bless those that have waited for him.
If these soldier were loyal to their earthly country,there is no excuse for us to be loyal to our heavenly country,we must learn from Hiroo,shoichi and teruo that held out for almost thirty years,even without a word from their commander,they survived through the hunger,cold and loneliness.they held on to the word of their commander, why can't you do the same!.
Monday, 4 November 2013
POWER WITHOUT DISCERNMENT The power and annoiting of many men of GOD has been rubished by the enemy because they lack the gift of discernment,it is very dangerous to go into deliverance session,to live as prayer warrior,and to carry out GOD's assignment without the gift of discenment because there are already many deceiving spirits in the world.1 Jh 4:1 ''Beloved,believe not every spirit,but try the spirit whelther they are of God,because many false prophet are gone out into the world''. To discern is to know,judge,determine and examine whether a spirit,voice instruction or action. TRAGEDY OF POWER WITHOUT DISCERMENT A prophet appeared in court sometime ago been convicted of deceiving a lady,the lady been in problem visited the prophet who decieved her by collecting a total sum #200,000 and requested for sex inother to transfer the power that will solve her problem into her,she gave in because she failed to discerned the deceiving spirit,likewise many christians are swayed away because they never discern what sort of spirit speaking or leading them. The young prophet in the bible was decieved by the old prophet the result was:1.God wrath2.God Jugdement3.He was not bury in his father's tomb4.He was torn and killed by Lion Brethren you can see the need now for you to decern,here is the characteristics of this man of God: -He can HEAR and SPEAK what God say :-1 Kg 13:2 ''...And He cried against the altar in the word of the Lord,and said,O altar,altar,thus says the Lord'' -GOD operated with him with sign and wonder: 1 kg 13:3 ''And he gave a sign the same day,saying,This is the sign which the Lord has spoken; behold the altar shall be rent and the ashes that are upon it shall be pour out'' -He was untouchable because God fought for him 1 Kg 13:4 ''And it came to pass when king Jeroboam heard....that he put forth his hand from the alter saying,lay hold on him.and his hand which he put forth against him,dried up,so that he could not pull it in again''. But with all this he was deceived because he lack the gift of discernment 1kg 13:18 He said to him,I am a prophet also as you are;and an angel spoke to me by the word of the Lord,saying,Bring him back with you into your house,that he may eat bread and drink water,But he lied to him''.This is God jugdement 1kg 13:22-24 ''... your carcase shall not come to the sepulcher of your fathers.....And when he was gone,a lion met him by the way,and slew him:and his carcase was cast the way''. Now,ask God for the gift of discernment,He will surely give you,let it not lack in you you,add it to your gift and you shall succeed,nevertheless without knowing Christ you can't posses the gift of His Spirit,confess Him now as you Lord and forsake your sin and for unto our God He will aboundantly pardone.
The power and anointing of many men of GOD has been rubbished by the enemy because they lack the gift of discernment,it is very dangerous to go into deliverance session,to live as prayer warrior,and to carry out God's assignment without the gift of discernment because there are already many deceiving spirits in the world.1 Jh 4:1 ''Beloved,believe not every spirit,but try the spirit whether they are of God,because many false prophet are gone out into the world''.
To discern is to know,judge,determine and examine whether a spirit, voice instruction or action is from God or not, it takes grace and gift of God to do so.
A prophet appeared in court sometime ago been convicted of deceiving a lady,the lady been in problem visited the prophet who deceived her by collecting a total sum #200,000 and requested for sex inother to transfer the power that will solve her problem into her,she gave in because she failed to discerned the deceiving spirit,likewise many Christians are swayed away because they never discern what sort of spirit speaking or leading them.
The young prophet in the bible was deceived by the old prophet the result was:
1.God's wrath.
2.God's Judgement.
3.He was not bury in his father's tomb.
4.He was torn and killed by Lion.
Brethren you can see the need now for you to decern,here is the characteristics of this man of God:
-He can HEAR and SPEAK what God say :-
1 Kg 13:2 ''...And He cried against the altar in the word of the Lord,and said,O altar,altar,thus says the Lord''
-GOD operated with him with sign and wonder: 1 kg 13:3 ''And he gave a sign the same day,saying,This is the sign which the Lord has spoken; behold the altar shall be rent and the ashes that are upon it shall be pour out''
-He was untouchable because God fought for him. 1 Kg 13:4 ''And it came to pass when king Jeroboam heard....that he put forth his hand from the alter saying,lay hold on him.and his hand which he put forth against him,dried up,so that he could not pull it in again''.
But with all this he was deceived because he lack the gift of discernment 1kg 13:18 He said to him,I am a prophet also as you are;and an angel spoke to me by the word of the Lord,saying,Bring him back with you into your house,that he may eat bread and drink water,But he lied to him''.
This is God Judgement 1kg 13:22-24 ''... your carcase shall not come to the sepulcher of your fathers.....And when he was gone,a lion met him by the way,and slew him:and his carcase was cast the way''.
Now,ask God for the gift of discernment,He will surely give you,let it not lack in you you,add it to your gift and you shall succeed,nevertheless without knowing Christ you can't posses the gift of His Spirit,confess Him now as you Lord and forsake your sin and for unto our God He will abundantly pardon. for more inspiration messages clickbeleivers061.blogspot.com
Monday, 21 October 2013
Authority Christ got over demonic power is available to believers if they are ready to tap into it, because Satan was already fallen and defeated at the cross, we've got total victory over him and his cohorts.
Jesus said ''...I beheld satan as ligtning fall from heaven.Behold I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you '' Luk 10:18-19. But you can say '' why can't I cast out demon''. Sometime ago,i was afflicted in dream by demons,I was very sad and I ask God why such thing could have happen to me, he said ''You have stop loving me''.
Sometime ago. I was often visited by demons in dream, those dreams are so dreadful and shameful to share, i went to God in prayer, then i got a voice in my heart, " you have stop loving me".I examine myself I know what He is talking about, I have stop fasting, my prayer time was very low and short ,and stopped worshipping God unlike before.
Now, what are the Hindrances to receiving God's Authority.
1.Unregister Name:- It is sadden and dreadful as many today called themselves christian but heaven don't recognise them,if you are ready to be used by LORD JESUS,then you have to know HIM.Look at this Luk 10:20 Notwithstanding in this rejoice not,that the spirit are subject to you; but rather rejoice,because your name are written in heaven. Now take this as your watchword,if I should posses GOD's Authority, My name have to be written in the Lamp book of life.If your name is not in the book of life, it is dreadful to exercise authority on demons, remember the sons of Sceva.
2. Prayerlessness:-Before the apostles could launched into their miraculuos ministery they waited in Jerusalem many days,then the power decend on them, Act 2:1-4 ,Brother Paul pray non stopping with fasting for 3 days, Acts 9:9 '' And he was three days without sight,and neither did eat nor drink''
3. If we can pray and wait on God surely,He will give us His authority.
4. Lack of Knowledge:- Bible say, ''My people perish,because thy lack knoeledge", if we are type that doesn't read the word of GOD then will won't know that He has power and all authority and that is available to us.when i was a young believer,i fear witches ,but through the word of God and Christians novel i got to know thay they are powerless and that satan their master has been defeited.
5. Lack of Faith: if you go to God for Authority then you must know that Heb 11:6 ''..for he that come to GOD must believe that He is, and He is the rewarder of them that deligently seek Him''.
In short,no faith,no anthority. Mt 17:18-20 '' ....Then came the disciple of Jesus apart, and said,why could not we cast him out? And Jesus said to them because of your unbelief: for verily I say to you,if you have faith as a gram of mustard seed,you will say to this moutain,remove here to yonder place;and it shall remove;and nothing shall be impossible to you....''
6. Unrighteousness:- Many have God's authority before,they were sometime deliverance ministers,whenever they say,Father in Jesus Name,demons began to confess and fled, that's before,but now they are as powerless as a dead lion due to unrighteousness.we cannot continue in sin and say that grace should continue,GOD forbid. If you want God's Authority be therefore righteous.
7. Unconstant fellowship with Christ: if you can fellowship in fasting,worshipping,praising and in praying,then you will have God's authority,Jesus said to his disciple when they are unable to cast out demon Mt 17:21 '' However,this kind goes not out but by prayer and fasting''. If you do not know Christ,you can not have His authority at all,confess Him as your LORD and ask Him for His authority,its your right in Christ.
read and share inspirational messages herebelievers061.blogspot.com
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
Rev 13:16-18 ''And he causes all both and small great,rich and poor,free and bond,toreceive a mark in their right hand,or in their foreheads and he thet no man might buy or sell,save he that had the mark,or the name.Here is wisdom.let him that has understanding count the number of the beast,for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six''. Many shall be decieve by the antichrist which fill the earth now,well you may ask,are they present now? 1 Jh 4:3 ''..and this is that spirit of antichrist,whereof you have heard that it should come;and even now alreeady is it in the world''.
The mark of 666 is a great mystery in this our present world and you have to be spirit filled in other to decern the antichrist who ushers the mark because they lure many people to receive the mark,i was once almost a victim of that,someone gave me a job vacancy hand bill,i apply for it but to my surprise i found out that what they printed on the handbill about their company was totally not true,i asked them what did they transact in this company,they said they sell drugs in which i will use it and share it to people and that i should bring i should bring more people so has to increase my pay,the display a sign like inverted six which will become more spiral as my pay increase,thay display their successors to me and their worldly good: outstanding exclusive cars.but i thank God i don't attend their meeting to register my name,up till now is still a mystery to me which i dont understand fully.
Some receive it through satanic prophet Ths 1:3 ''who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called god,or that is worshiped,so that he as god sits in the temple of God,showing himself that he is God''.I have watch a woman calling herself God,she said she was the one who made heaven and earth,she have a church and did gave her member the mark through what she 'term spiritual operation'.
Rev 14:11 '' And the smoke of their torment ascends up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day and nor night,who worship the beast and his image and whosoever receive the mark of his name'' Dear reader,don't be deceived,say no to every spirit that confess not JESUS as their Lord 1 Jn 4:3 and be filled with the spirit of the Lord,if you have any inscription on your body ask JESUS for forgiveness and cleanse yourself by the blood of JESUS,beware of the mark.
read more inspirational messages here believers061.blogspot.com
Rev 14:11 '' And the smoke of their torment ascends up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day and nor night,who worship the beast and his image and whosoever receive the mark of his name'' Dear reader,don't be deceived,say no to every spirit that confess not JESUS as their Lord 1 Jn 4:3 and be filled with the spirit of the Lord,if you have any inscription on your body ask JESUS for forgiveness and cleanse yourself by the blood of JESUS,beware of the mark.
read more inspirational messages here believers061.blogspot.com
Temporary suffering for righteousness will drive one into an unspeakable Joy and God's blessing,there many patriarch of faith in the bible who forfeited this world enjoyment,denied their flesh,say no to king,accept punishment,shame,and even love not their live because they want to live righteously in other to please GOD.
Dan 1:8 ''But daniel purpose in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of kings meat,nor with the wine which he drank:therefore he requested of the prince of eunuch that he might not defile''.this man refuse to defile himself,many believers nowaday sell their future blessing,glory and birthright because of present evil comfort.Do you know what,GOD make Daniel and the 3 Hebrew to be ten times better than their fellow,God bless him in all matter of wisdom and set him above the prince of the land.
Gen 39:9 ''There is none greater in this house than I:neither has he kept anything back from me except you,because you are his wife:how can i do this great wickedness and sin against God'' ,this great determination led him into prison from the post of head labourer. Yeah,you may also be mock,reject,and abuse by your friends or family because of decision you take,sometime I decided not to take part in eating Muslim sacrificial meat,the result make life unbearable for me as my brother started mocking me,he told his friends about me inother to make jest of me.If you separate yourself from the world the world will hate you,you can't do nothing about it,just stand firm in Christ and he will lift you up and make you leaders of your mockers as he did to Joseph,Pharaoh said, Gen 41:40 ''You shall be over my house and according to your word shall all my people be ruled: only in the throne will I be greater than you''.
THE THREE HEBREW: Dan 3:17-18''If it be so,our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and He will deliver us out of your hand.but if not,be it known to you,O king,that we will not serve your gods nor worship the golden image which you have set up.'' the result of their decision is this.
Other are the apostles that lived before us, Heb 11:36-38 ''They were stoned,they were sawn asunder,were tempted,were slain with sword: they wander about in sheepskins and goatskins:beind destitute,afflicted,tormented: (Of whom the world was not worthy:they wandered in deserts,and in mountains,and in dens and caves of the earth''.They encounter problem because of thier faith.
Brother/sister please stand for righteousness in and due season you shall reap the fruit and GOD shall not forget the fruit of your labor ,strive for the mastery crown that lies ahead of you.
To read and share more messages click believers061.blogspot.com
Dan 1:8 ''But daniel purpose in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of kings meat,nor with the wine which he drank:therefore he requested of the prince of eunuch that he might not defile''.this man refuse to defile himself,many believers nowaday sell their future blessing,glory and birthright because of present evil comfort.Do you know what,GOD make Daniel and the 3 Hebrew to be ten times better than their fellow,God bless him in all matter of wisdom and set him above the prince of the land.
Gen 39:9 ''There is none greater in this house than I:neither has he kept anything back from me except you,because you are his wife:how can i do this great wickedness and sin against God'' ,this great determination led him into prison from the post of head labourer. Yeah,you may also be mock,reject,and abuse by your friends or family because of decision you take,sometime I decided not to take part in eating Muslim sacrificial meat,the result make life unbearable for me as my brother started mocking me,he told his friends about me inother to make jest of me.If you separate yourself from the world the world will hate you,you can't do nothing about it,just stand firm in Christ and he will lift you up and make you leaders of your mockers as he did to Joseph,Pharaoh said, Gen 41:40 ''You shall be over my house and according to your word shall all my people be ruled: only in the throne will I be greater than you''.
THE THREE HEBREW: Dan 3:17-18''If it be so,our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and He will deliver us out of your hand.but if not,be it known to you,O king,that we will not serve your gods nor worship the golden image which you have set up.'' the result of their decision is this.
Other are the apostles that lived before us, Heb 11:36-38 ''They were stoned,they were sawn asunder,were tempted,were slain with sword: they wander about in sheepskins and goatskins:beind destitute,afflicted,tormented: (Of whom the world was not worthy:they wandered in deserts,and in mountains,and in dens and caves of the earth''.They encounter problem because of thier faith.
Brother/sister please stand for righteousness in and due season you shall reap the fruit and GOD shall not forget the fruit of your labor ,strive for the mastery crown that lies ahead of you.
To read and share more messages click believers061.blogspot.com
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
My Father empower me to succeed In 2 Chr 26:15-And he made in Jerusalem engine invented by cunning men,to be on the tower and upon the bulwarks,to shoot arrow and great stones with,and his name spread far abroad;for he was marvellously helped by heaven until he was strong'',
May heaven help you marvellously in Jesus name,I say it again may heaven help you marvelluosly in Jesus name,i say it the third time may heaven help you marvellously in Jesus name. Everyone in life who is not sick or mad want to be succesful in life but many do not understand what succes entails or require.What is then succes?Success is what you do with your potential.Success is accompanishing your goals in life,success isgood journey towards your goal,success is development of your untap potential,success is ability to spend your life on God's own way that is as it is written of you.unfortunately many people are living their life the way heaven is not written of them.....continue in empower me to succeed 2.
Read and share inspirational messages herebelieversroom.blogspot.com
Read live breaking testimonies here testimony001.blogspot.com
Monday, 14 October 2013
QUESTION what parts of the bible has being twisted fo selfish gain? Will everyone watch the way we live our life on jugement day? Can we cast demons into bottomless pit through the power of prayer? If rapture should occur now,what will be our fate if we haven't done the neccesary restitution though we are trying to and praying towards it? Can we be forgiven unknown and uncofess sins? How can we recognise the anti- christ in this present generation? If we are lure into sin,what should we do? How can one be sure he/she hear God's voice rather than satanic or his/her own voice?. Will we only worship in heaven? PLEASE LEAVE YOUR COMMENT BELOW
Monday, 30 September 2013
Pleasing the Lord through our dressing
Is the use of attachment,fixing of nails,painting of face,tattooing,women trousers acceptable by
our Lord?, please leave your comment as God minister to you.
According to Rm 1 from vrs 21 is talking about those people with a reprobate mind,they never give thanks to God,their heart was darkened
,they change the image of God to man,birds,beast creeping things,they lust after thier own flesh:that is same sex sin,they change the truth to lie.
Now verse 25 "...for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature.
that is anything against nature,anything we appreciate,we attach,we fix in our body that is not natural is against God.please leave your suggestion
learn the way Satan exercise the power of flesh on believers today,
Read inspirational messages here believers061.blogspot.com
Thursday, 26 September 2013
pleasing the LORD through your dressing 2
I met a lady on campus some mouths ago,she was preaching yet putting on trousers and many worldly make up and attachment, tried to confuse her that it wasn't pleasing unto GOD to find us in that attire,but she told me that once someone is saved he/she can do anything he/she like even he can fornicate and still make heaven, please dear reader is this true ?, please leave your comment.
Read inspirational messages here believers061.blogspot.com
Sunday, 15 September 2013
Man is made of spirit, soul and body 1Ths 5:23. but the spirit and body war against each other Gal 5:17, and man is in this serious battle until he crucify himself completely with Christ.Take a picture of this:
I will never take that,(ANGER),
I am more than that, how dare u approach me like that.
Yes i have gotten all, am d best (PRIDE),.
I think is about time i got my babe, it's high time I enjoyed myself with my girl (FORNICATION).
I wish i got all for myself (SELFISHNESS).
Friend please don't let MR FLESH rule over you, its an evil spirit ruling over many believers today. Rm 8:6-for to be carnally minded is dealth:but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
ALDULTRY-Num 25:1,4,6,8 flesh ruled over this isrealite man to commit aldultery with cozbi but he paid his life for it.
2.HATRED-1 Jh 3:153.WRATH- Jm 1:19-20
4.DRUNKENESS etc others are seen in Gal 5:19 like emulations,lasciviousness,idolatry, fornication.witchcraft.
1. Make one unrighteous Rm 8:4
2. It bring corruption Gal 6:8
3. Flesh leads its servant into temptation Mt 26:41
4.Condemnation Rom 8:1
5. It blind from devine revelation Mt 16:17; Peter walked not in flesh and received revelation that JESUS is christ.we will receive great and mighty revelations if we walk not in FLESH.
6. Those that are posses by the old man;flesh are GOD's enemy Rm 8:7
7. Suffering,vegeance and eternal punishment Jud 1:7
8. It enslaves Rm 7:23
9. It's prey cannot inherit the heaven 1Cor 15:50
10. Death Gen 3:6-19 Rm 8:6C.
If JESUS can deliver Apostle Paul Rm 7:14-25 then we can escape Rm 8:21
1. Prayer
2. Ask for GOD's fleshy heart Ez 36:27,there two type of flesh;flesh that is not of GOD 1 Jh 4:2,the flesh of christ Eph 5:30
3. Make no provisionn for flesh-Rm 13:14 like gazing intently at evil dressed woman(exposive dresses).allowing fear.douting God ,buying uneccesary material....
4. Serious Spiritual Exercise and war fare
5. Crucify the old man RM 6:6
6. Be fill with the fruit of the spirit Gal 5:22
7. Ask for GOD's grace
I was saved by God's grace in one local church, I began my christian journey but it came to a point when an evil spirit crept into my life unknownly because of the door way I opened: I took an holy communion in one church on one holiday but the wine taste somehow alcoholic,so since that time I lived an ANGRY life,in PRIDE,UNHAPPINESS,HOPELESSNESS,UNRESTLESSNESS and being afraid of rapture. One gracious night i heard a message about tragedy of defilement,I began to pray seriously,suddenly I began to twist,this occur twice and the LORD open my eyes,i saw an OLD MAN with a walking stick and a bowl in his hand running away for escape into the darkness,after that deliverance I felt joy unspeakable and I never live my life in flesh again,glory be to JESUS that deliver me, friend he can deliever you also if you will call on Him now. If you don't know JESUS,accept HIM TODAY and you be save,you and your family.pray this prayer: lord JESUS,I believe you die for me,i am very sorry for all my sins,wash them away in your precious blood,i accept you as my Lord and my personnal saviour,thank You for coming into my life. Welcome, attend a bible believing church nearest to you where holinness is being preach.pray for delieverance from flesh and sin.
for more wonderful messages visitbelieversroom.blogspot.com
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